Conclave Corporate
Stock company
Total Shares: 10000
Estimated value per share: 1.35 Gold
Daily shares trade value: 0.00 Gold
Total shareholders: 24
Total companies: 16
Company statute
Stock Company Conclave Corporate's official presentation article
Rules and information
Value of shares will be calculated not using value given by E-Sim, as it is bugged, but using #SuTrade's prices.
All the possessions of the Stock Company will be recorded in this Google Doc , available to everyone.
This file will be updated at least every month, usually the 4th day of the month.
Every share will be valued 1 Gold . Dividends will be paid during the first days of the month. Their amount will be obtained subtracting the Stock Company's value calculated through the Google Doc and the Goal Value of the Stock Company.
During the first days of the month, the CEO will publish an article in which progresses, dividends and new goals of the Stock Company during that month will be shown and issued.
No shares will be issued again normally, it might happen only during some special occasions.
The CEO is allowed to take products from the Stock Company for free, so he can sell them through contracts.
Once they are accepted, he will immediately donate the earnings to the Stock Company.
+2200 golds of dividends!
I wish you an happy new year!
Dividends will be paid in the next days
This month there will be no dividend and no shares-issue. I had no time to work on the project, we will see if I will be able to do anything in december
500 more shares will be soon printed!
It's already July 7 where is the dividends? Just asking
More shouts