Esim - Citizen Ahmed Hesham AH And I tell you truthfully and honestly that I would rather respect the world, even if it is without sympathy, than the world’s sympathy, if it is without respect

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And I tell you truthfully and honestly that I would rather respect the world, even if it is without sympathy, than the world’s sympathy, if it is without respect
Angelus destructo
77 Level
143,265 Experience
126,354,347,457 Total damage
5,983,078 Best hit
514,461,975 Best round
514,461,975 Best battle
5802 Strength
16.765625 Economy skill
Day 3018 Birthday
4 / 19 National by XP
2 / 19 National by DMG
178 / 858 Global by XP
34 / 858 Global by DMG
Military unit Sickest Squad
Political party House of CAD
Working at
13,134 - 19,701
Critical hit:
26,268 - 39,402
Base critical hit chance
12.5 %
Total critical hit chance
12.5 %
12.5 %
Base miss chance
12.5 %
Overall miss chance
12.5 %
12.5 %
Base chance to avoid DMG:
5.0 %
Overall chance to avoid DMG
5.0 %
5.0 %
Base chance to use less weapons per berserk
Final chance to use less weapons per berserk
0.0 %
Base chance to find a weapon
Final chance to find a weapon
0.0 %
Free flight base chance
5.0 %
Free flight final chance
5.0 %
0.0 %
  • x20
  • x23
  • x6
  • x1998
  • x14
  • x153
Top achievements:
Total achievements: 141 of 332 See all achievements
Friends (128)
Ramadan Kareem

رمضان كريم
Ahmed Hesham AH posted 7 months ago

I want to inform everyone that it has been agreed to rent 3 regions of Syria to Georgia, and they are Aleppo , Al-Raqqah and Al-Hasakah
Ahmed Hesham AH posted 1 year ago

Congratulations! You have been promoted to Angelus censura. Your further damage will be increased by your new rank.
Ahmed Hesham AH posted 1 year ago

calm down my enemies , i'm here
Ahmed Hesham AH posted 2 years ago

تم بحمدلله تحرير جميع الاراضي المصرية

شكرا لكل من ساهم في هذا الانجاز
Ahmed Hesham AH posted 2 years ago

هفضل فخور بكل واحد شارك و حارب و رجع الاراضي

حتي لو خسرنا كل الاراضي اللي خدناها تاني

كفايه اننا في حرب مش متكافئه حررنا ٤ اراضي
انت بتتكلم في ٥ بس بيحاربوا بلد كامله بحلفاءها ٣ ايام متواصلين
في حين الرجاله اللي المفروض قديمه و جامدين قاعدين بيتفرجوا
Ahmed Hesham AH posted 2 years ago

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