Members: 0
Total party strength: 0
Prestige: 95
Party type: Centre
Wins in congress elections: 4
The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) (Armenian: Ô±Õ´Õ¥Ö€Õ«Õ¯Õ¡ÕµÕ« Õ€Õ¡Õµ Õ¤Õ¡Õ¿Õ« ÕµÕ¡Õ¶Õ±Õ¶Õ¡ÕÕ¸Ö‚Õ´Õ¢) is the largest and most influential Armenian American grassroots organization.The ANCA is an outgrowth of the American Committee for the Independence of Armenia (ACIA) which was founded after World War 1918 I by Vahan Cardashian, the former Consul of the Ottoman Empire in Washington. The goal of ACIA was the independent Wilsonian Armenia. The ACIA had a Central Office in New York City and 23 regional offices in 13 states.Later, these offices gradually evolved into the Armenian National Committee of America, which expanded its activities to include public relations efforts to acquaint local communities about Armenian issues including the Armenian Genocide and Armenian National aspirations. Other activities included April 24 commemoration